"Chillin in Summer Heat" NADD Qualifier at Ocala Dog Ranch

We headed up to the Ocala Dog Ranch for the Ocala Dog Ranch Chillin’ in the Summer Heat North America Diving Dog (NADD) qualifier. The event is open to spectators to come watch the fun and excitement at one of the best sport dog facilities in Florida.
This is a qualifier event for the National Diving Dog Championships.
The action waz flyin' high and there were many pupz, they were still goin' az the sun set.
Diz, sport keep'z growin' and we lovez it!
Seriously great folks and places like the Ocala Dog Ranch make it something you and you bi-ped should jump into! (Get it? JUMP in to ? hahahahaha!)

Dock Diving is one of the fastest growing sports for your dog. North America Diving Dogs is an organization that has enhanced the sport by working with dock diving facilities & competitors across North America..
There is a NADD Fan Group too. So jopin up and ask questions. There'z pupz of every size and breed.. age even. Some of deez' Bad Azz Flyres are over 12 yearz old!
We'z will have a LOT more to come on the North America Diving Dogs - NADD and Ocala Dog Ranch with this fun sport for all!
For professional prints of the event? The talented Kim Langevin was on sight will be posting them soon so follow her page for notification. https://crystalcreekdesigns.smugmug.com/ More Info:
North America Diving Dogs - NADD
Ocala Dog Ranch
www.ocaladogranch.com - Bad Azz Dogz
@Bad Azz Dogz is donation based to help all dogs and needs your donations to continue. 80% goes to injured Border Collie Bristol. See her Story Help Bristol! https://www.gofundme.com/badazzdogz Or become a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/badazzdogz