19-20 March 2022
Herding Trials at Penn Y Caerau, Florida 19-20 March 2022 [galleries below]

Central Florida went to the dogs in March 2022, the Herding Dogs in particular with two weekend Herding Trials in a row.
First at the Penn Y Caerau farm and then Acorn Acres a few miles down the road.
We have always cherished these events as they are in some of Florida's most beautiful rural settings and the community is casual but full of interesting personas and hard working dogs who love to do their job.
Enjoy our very special photo-feature of some Bad Azz Dogz and their humans! SHARE your favorites and please contact us at info@badazzdogz.net if a vet or first responder wanting to learn more.
PHOTO-FEATURE Herding trials at Penn Y Caerau
The Gallery is best viewed on a PC. The large file sizes and may burden any portable tablet or smart phone. ? [Need help downloading pictures] ?

More Information: - AKC Herding
- Penn Y Caerau farm
As with all events Bad Azz Dogz features, it is the hope you will consider coming out into our amazing Florida Bad Azz Dogz world of fun and activities near you.
All disabled 1st responder and military veterans, please feel free to contact us on any special needs or if you have questions on special offers for you.
Bad Azz Dogz is only possible with your support
Please make donations via: https://www.badazzdogz.net/donate
OR Directly to PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/badazzdogz
Bad Azz Dogz By Dogz 4 Dogz
entertain | educate | encourage
Photo-Journal of Hero Dogz
Hero Dogz is donation based to help all dogs and needs you to continue.
You can keep us going and growing for Florida's Bad Azz Pups from Litter to an active and loving life. This page is created and managed by a disabled vet and needs donations to continue and to help our Florida Dogs, Disabled Veterans & 1st Responders. Learn More
Come join the Bad Azz Pack!
*Media and News inquiries should be sent to info@badazzdogz.net