Big Dogs helped by big hearts

If you head out to the rural area North of Tampa Bay you can find yourself at the Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary . The caretaker doesn't just home the dogs here but spends every day and night with them through the year.
We first met Debbie Pearce and Joe Pimentel at a fundraising event in Bradenton, Florida at the Motorworks Brewing's yard and patio. It was a hot summer day in Florida, but they were clearly devoted to their mission to help their beloved Rotties’ looking for their homes to love.

Debbie asked me to come meet Joe and see their new ranch where Joe lives with their dogs every day. Working on training, behaviors, and welfare of all the dogs in their charge. Joe takes his dedication to the breed and all dogs under his ward very seriously and personally. With over 20 years working with Rottweiler’s he has learned more about the breed than most ever know.
“Rottweilers are..Velcro dogs. Once bonded you cannot even go potty by yourself” - Joseph James Pimentel Sr.

He described the evolving temperament over time as infants the first two years, then bratty teens for two years until eventually evolving in to calm adults. Like any breed, the owner must set boundaries and teach their pup as we do with children, to behave and act according to your expectations.
With all breeds, and especially a large powerful dog as the Rottweiler, doing your research and familiarity with the history and bred general behaviors is critical to making the right match for that life long home.

The Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch is a shelter but goes above and beyond many with the large “dog runs” for most dogs, and daily scheduled time especially for those that need help in behavior and health. The success rates are remarkable. With three to five dogs finding the homes weekly, Joe told us that they have only had four returns in the four years the ranch has been open.
The Greatest Reward
“That moment when they meet their new family and you can see the joy in both faces as they bond” - Joseph James Pimentel Sr.

They routinely rescue dogs on “death row” and have taken dogs in from emergencies as the Hurricane Michael that devastated the Florida panhandle in 2018.
Learn More:
Florida Rottweiler Rescue Ranch On Facebook
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Bristol is our very special girl that started this mission...
Bristol's Story
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